On May 3, more than 100 professionals will meet in Antwerp at the Congress dedicated to Digital Twins
4 workshops will be held during the morning on: Ontology Networks for DT Environments, Building Digital Twin in Infrastructures, DBP Processes and Privacy Metrics & Ethics

Antwerp, April 21, 2023. The Building Digital Twin International Congress (BDTIC) celebrates its third edition on May 3 in Antwerp (Belgium). The Congress is organized by the Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) and with the collaboration of Digichecks and EUnet4DBP.
The Congress is held in hybrid mode following the format of the second edition of 2022, held at the CAATEEB in Barcelona, given the first edition was held online due to COVID-19. This year, the BDTIC will take place at The Beacon in Antwerp and the presentations can be followed via streaming through the Zoom and YouTube Live platforms.
Within the framework of the Congress, 4 workshops dedicated to: Ontologies, Building Digital Twin in Infrastructures, DBP Processes and Privacy Metrics & Ethics are also organized during the morning for invited experts and BDTA members. In the afternoon, the 3rd edition of the Congress will take place with the participation of Francesca Noardo, Rob Roef and Pieter Pauwels as keynote speakers.

The congress has an executive program with more than 20 leading Digital Twin speakers. It will feature unpublished 10-minute presentations and two round tables to address issues of Civil Infrastructures Digital Twins, DT Use Cases and R&D European Projects targeting the field.
As outstanding news this year is the partnership with the DIGICHEKCS project and the EUNet4DBP to push the advance of Digital Building Permits thanks to DTs in the built environment. In addition, the BDTIC has strengthen its synergies with the GIS world through the collaboration with the GEOBIM 2023 Congress that is held at within the Geospatial World Forum on the 4th and 5th in Rotterdam.
What is a Building Digital Twin and its importance?
Digital Twins are one of the most relevant trends currently found in digitization in all sectors and, especially, in the construction sector. Digital twins cover various aspects, beyond digitization or three-dimensional representation. Scale models have always been created to display and represent objects. Using those multiple models along with measured data and observation of reality opens up an unprecedented new perspective. Digital twins are useful for controlling and improving the life cycle, optimizing and/or reducing demand and energy consumption, making construction more sustainable and, above all, getting closer to knowing reality.
More information: https://buildingdigitaltwin.org/bdtic-2023/
Registration link: https://third-bdtic-antwerp.eventbrite.be