Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:00 - 18:30 CEST

The BDTIC is the 4th international conference dedicated to Building Digital Twins.

Organized by the Building Digital Twin Association

About the event:

The Building Digital Twin International Congress (BDTIC) celebrates its fourth edition on April 17 Barcelona (Spain). The Congress is organized by the Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) and with the collaboration of EUnet4DBP.

The Congress is held in hybrid mode following the format of previous editions held at the BEACON in Belgium and CAATEEB in Barcelona. This year, the BDTIC will take place at COAC (Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya) in Barcelona and the presentations can be followed via streaming.

The congress has an executive program with more than 20 leading Digital Twin speakers. It will feature unpublished 10-minute presentations and two round tables to address issues of Civil Infrastructures Digital Twins, DT Use Cases and R&D European Projects targeting the field.

As outstanding news this year is the partnership the EUNet4DBP to push the advance of Digital Building Permits thanks to DTs in the built environment and its event DBP’24 (Digital Building Permit conference 2024) takes places in 18-19 April 2024. In addition, the BDTIC has strengthen its synergies with the GIS world through the collaboration with the GEOBIM 2024 Congress that is held at within the Geospatial World Forum


If you are interested in workshops, send an email to:

This year BDTIC is also a joint event with the EUnet4DBP Digital Building Permit conference 2024 (Following days 18th and 19th in the same venue)


To be announced

Speakers & Talks

To be announced

Eduard Loscos

President, BDTA

Sun Ah Hwang

PhD researcher , TUDelft

Paris Fokaides

Chief, Kaunas University of Technology

Bram Bazuin

Head of Fields, Semmtech

Pedro Mêda

Researcher / Project Manager, Universidade do Porto

Raúl García

Associate Professor, UPM

Eloi Coloma

Director of Coloma + Armengol
and PhD Lecturer at UPC.

Roberto Redaelli

Project Manager R & I Department, HARPACEAS

Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue

Associate Professor,
University of Turin

Sven-Eric Schapke

Director Business Development , LOCLAB CONSULTING

Massimo Penasa

Co-Founder and CEO, CAEmate S.r.l.

Ignasi Pérez Arnal

CEO, BIM Academy

Angelo Ciribini

Professor, Università degli Studi di Brescia

Cristoph Strnadl

Deputy CTO, Software AG

Jordi Escriu

Scientific Project Officer, European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Digital Economy Unit (T1)

Sanju Tiwari

CEO and Founder, Shodhguru Research Labs

Natalia Oliveira

Partner, Estudio ESE

Farzad Rahimian

Professor, Teesside University

Sergio Rodriguez-Trejo

Associate Professor, Teesside University

Amaia Castelruiz Aguirre

Senior Researcher, Tecnalia

Judith Fauth

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellow, University Cambridge

Qian Wang

Senior Researcher, KTH

Giorgos Giannakis

Project Manager, Hypertech



5 Plaça Nova
08002 Barcelona

Platinum Sponsors

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 820805