13-15 May 2025, Kaunas
The BDTIC is the 5th international conference dedicated to Building Digital Twins.
Organized by Building Digital Twin Association and in collaboration with Kaunas University of Technology

About the event:
The Building Digital Twin International Congress (BDTIC) will celebrate its fifth edition on May 14-15 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The Congress is organized by the Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) in collaboration with Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the SmartWins project – www.ktu.edu, www.smartwins-project.eu.
The Congress will be held in a hybrid format, similar to previous editions at the BEACON in Belgium and CAATEEB and COAC in Barcelona. This year, BDTIC will take place at one of the remarkable buildings of the Kaunas University of Technology in the center of the city. The three-day event will kick-off on May 13th 2025 with the innovative Building Digital Twin Workshop on Digital Building Permitting which will provide a platform for participants to explore opportunities within the domains of Digitalization in the Built Environment Industry, fostering collaborations between Software Developers and Cities and upcoming project proposals.
The BDTIC aims to connect senior and postdoctoral researchers from the academic world, professionals from the industry, private and public investors, technological experts from public administrations and policy makers to drive forward technological advancements and sustainable development in Europe.
More information
On May the 14th 2025 we’ll have the pleasure to celebrate the 5th edition of the Building Digital Twin International Congress with several workshops in the morning. Here challenges related to Civil Infrastructure Digital Twins, Building Digital Permits, Ontologies, Mathematical Simulation and Ethics will be addressed. Digital Twin use cases will be shared and European R&D projects in this field will be highlighted.
In the afternoon our Executive Program with leading keynote speakers will be offered to provide a status of the digitilization process within the construction industry. Demonstrations and presentations on advancements in scientific research will be showcased.
On May 15th 2025 we’ll welcome the first edition of the Building Digital Twin Scientific Conference (BDTSC) supported by the KTU and the SmartWins EU-project. Here early-career researchers, and PhD students, are invited to a Spring School on Digital Twins to share presentations on their studies and papers.
The conference will follow a Zero Waste approach, encouraging participants to use local sustainable transportation options and offset their CO2 footprints where possible.
If you are interested in May 13th 2025 with the innovative Building Digital Twin Workshop on Digital Building Permitting: e.moors@buildingdigitaltwin.org
If you are interested in May 14th 2025 Workshops: info@buildingdigitaltwin.org
Related Events
Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) in collaboration with the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the SmartWins project, we invite you to attend some or all of the following events:
- May 13, 2025 –
- Building Digital Twin Workshop on Digital Building Permitting which will provide a platform for participants to explore opportunities within the domains of Digitalization in the Built Environment Industry, fostering collaborations between Software Developers and Cities and upcoming project proposals. By invitation
- Brokerage event on HE Cluster 4: Digital, Industry, and Space – a registration-only, free event to expand your network and establish partnerships for Horizon Europe and other projects. This event is organized in conjunction with the SustAInLivWork project.
- May 14, 2025 –
- several workshops in the morning. Here challenges related to Civil Infrastructure Digital Twins, Building Digital Permits, Ontologies, Mathematical Simulation. By invitation
- 5th Building Digital Twin International Congress – organized by BDTA and hosted by KTU, and presentations on digital twin innovations with participants from industry, NGOs, municipalities, and global researchers.
- May 15, 2025 – 1st Building Digital Twin Scientific Conference (BDTSC2025) – a scientific conference exploring state-of-the-art research in digital twins for the built environment, part of the SmartWins project and organized by KTU, with support from BDTA.

14:00 - 14:10 | Welcome
Welcome, BDTA achievements
Eduard Loscos, president BDTA
14:10 - 14:25 | KEYNOTE 1
Dubai Use Case DTw and DBP
Violeta Sosevska, INS
14:25 - 14:40 | KEYNOTE 2
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
14:40 - 14:50 |
DIGICHECKS: Digital environment for management of permits and compliance in building and construction / DIGICHECKS – DBP Sister project 1
Ricardo Romero Hernández, Tekniker
14:50 - 15:00 |
CHEK Toolkit:
Beyond a Technology, Shaping the Future of DBP
Siham El Yamani, TU Delft
15:00 - 15:10 |
Transformation pathway towards digital building permits
Rita Lavikka, VTT
15:10 - 15:20 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
15:20 - 15:30 |
Standardization and GEOBIM for Digital Building Permits
Mayte Toscano, OGC
15:30 - 15:40 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
15:40 - 15:50 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
15:50 - 16:00 |
To be determined
Daniel Mattos, UB
16:00 - 16:10 | Round table
Session 1:
Using DBPs + DPPs as enablers of DT in the Built Environment
Andrius Jurelionis, KTU
16:10 - 16:25 | KEYNOTE 3
ECTP: DT in the Build Environment and the Use of AI
Alain Zarli, ECTP
16:25 - 16:40 | KEYNOTE 4
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
16:40- 16:50 |
Data driven models
Peter Hellinckx, University of Antwerpen
16:50- 17:00 |
To be confirmed
Laura Zabala, R2M Spain
17:00- 17:10 |
Responsible AI and Large Language Models in Automatic Compliance Checking
Dr. Edlira Vakaj, Birmingham City University
17:10 - 17:20 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
17:20- 17:30 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
17:30- 17:40 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
17:40- 17:50 |
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
17:50- 18:00 |
To be confirmed
Hyacinthe Ménard, EIFER
17:00- 18:10 | Round table
How to calibrate Simulations across the Building Lifecycle using ADTw?
Ignasi Pérez Arnal, BIM Academy
18:20- 18:30 | Conclusions and Closing
Peter Imbrechts, BDTA
Speakers & Talks

President, BDTA

Associate Professor, Birmingham City University

Chief, Kaunas University of Technology

Research Team Leader, VTT

Managing Partner, ECTP

VicePresident, BDTA

Project Manager, OGC.

CHEK DBP Coordinator – Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Delft

Researcher (at the Intelligent Information Systems department), Tekniker

Professor, University of Antwerp

Modelling and optimization engineer, R2M Solution Spain SL

CEO, BIM Academy

Professor, Università degli Studi di Brescia

Deputy CTO, Software AG

Scientific Project Officer, European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Digital Economy Unit (T1)

CEO and Founder, Shodhguru Research Labs

Partner, Estudio ESE

Professor, Teesside University

Associate Professor, Teesside University

Senior Researcher, Tecnalia

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellow, University Cambridge

Senior Researcher, KTH

Project Manager, Hypertech
- Workshop Cities (May 13): K. Donelaičio St. 73, 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
- Worshops & BDTIC5 (May, 14): Kaunas University of Technology Laisvės al. 13, Kaunas, 01101 Lithuania

How to arrive
- Vilnius Airport is located 100 kilometres from Kaunas City. Once you arrive here, you can reach the conference venue by train, bus or car.
- Kaunas Airport is about 10 kilometres from the city. Upon arrival, the centre can be easily reached by bus or car.
- The train station is near Vilnius Airport airport around 5 min walk.
- There is a special train between the Vilnius Railway Station and the Vilnius Airport. You can get train from Vilnius airport to Vilnius station.
- From Vilnius Railway Station you can get a train to Kaunas. The timetable can be found at Lietuvos gelezinkeliai.
- Bus stop is situated just outside the Vilnius Airport. Bus No. 1 goes to the train/bus station and the buses No. 2 goes to the city centre. The timetable can be found at Vilnius Routes and Timetables.
- Bus stop is situated outside the Kaunas Airport. Bus 29G to the city centre (bus stop Studentų skveras) and to the train and bus stations. Kaunas city transport timetables.
- You can use a courier service.
- UBER and BOLT are available in Vilnius and Kaunas. The service is easy to use and can be booked via an app on your phone.
We have a special offering from the hotels listed below. Please, contact us via email bdtsc@ktu.edu to get detailed information on each option. we will send you a special code or form for reservation

Platinum Sponsors
Media partner
Want to be sponsor? Check our sponsorship programme and contact info@buildingdigitaltwin.org or e.moors@buildingdigitaltwin.org
Buy Tickets
BDTIC5: Regular 250€ / Early bird 180€
(early bird until March, 31, 2025)
BDTIC5 Online: 20€
To register, click on the following link and follow the instructions.
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