The 9th of December BDTA has been incorporated to the BICEM (Building Indoor Climate Energy Modelling) group of Rehva. This group will try to define future certifications for building energy modelling professionals.
In this group the BDTA will contribute with the expertise on real-time simulation and other innovative solutions for integrating simulation with real-time equipment. An advanced vision of digital twins performing the energy calculations in real-time will be a reality in some years. At Rehva, they are open to see this new approach, but regulations today are not adapted to that technology. In the meantime, these methodologies can mature and standards developed to get all developers using compatible libraries.
Rehva is the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning associations, founded in 1963. It is an umbrella organization that represent over 120,000 HVAC engineers, building services engineers, technicians and experts across 25 European countries. The 2024 conference was exploring the alignment of policy and technical solutions to meet the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) goals and climate neutrality. It has covered innovations in improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in European buildings, with a focus on energy efficiency and healthier environments.