Standardization and Practical Applications of Digital Twins and BIM-GIS Integration
A highly engaging morning at the technical conference organized by the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) and UNE (Asociación Española de Normalización), where advancements in the digitization of the built environment were discussed.

The event featured renowned speakers, including:
- Ramon M. Torra i Xicoy, General Manager of the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
- Sergio Muñoz Gomez, President of CTN-UNE 332 and Managing Director of buildingSMART Spain
- Eduard Loscos, coordinador del CEN/TC 442/WG 9, president de la Building Digital Twin Association i director R+D Director of IDP Group
- Montserrat Monteagudo, President of CTN-UNE 332/SC 2 and Head of the Cartography Section at AMB
- Mayte Toscano Domínguez, Project Manager OGC-COSI at OGC
- Javier Lozano, Deputy Director of BIM and Digital Continuity at ADIF
- Eloi Coloma, Technical Director at Coloma+Armengol
- Marcos García Alberti, Associate Professor at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Deputy Director for Digital Subjects
- Arturo Alarcón Barrio, Secretary of CTN-UNE 332 and Head of the Construction Sustainability Area at IECA
- Alberto Vilariño Fernández, Head of Section at the Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España and O.A. CNIG
- Pablo E., Architect at the Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat
The conference underscored the importance of standardization and interoperability in digital twin technology and BIM-GIS integration, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable urban development. It was a fantastic opportunity to exchange knowledge and explore future trends in the industry.
At BDTA, we remain committed to fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of digital twins. Stay tuned for more updates on our work and upcoming events!