Generate an Open Technology Framework which will allow an improved interoperability across Building Digital Twins.
The technology backed by BDTA will follow our guiding principles to advance towards the proposed Vision and Mission.
Whenever possible, developments will consider external Open Standards.
- Maintain/Extend SPHERE Open API
- BDTA Ontology Network:
- definition of OTLs (domain expert knowledge)
- Application Profiles (glueing existing ontologies)
Building Digital Twin Manager
The BDTM will be responsible for developing and adapting the correct procedures to create and manage the DT of the asset along its lifecycle. The Digital Twin Manager assures that the model and the external database works correctly, and all the users have access to the DT platform. All changes (Ex: new users, substitution of a equipment, etc.) suffered by the DT are controlled by the DT Manager. This new figure will be liable to certify, audit and record the evolution of any kind of Building Digital Twin across its lifespan, including two main aspects, the Configuration Management, focused on the management and control of the DT system elements and configuration and Simulation Manager.
In short, the DTM will undertake the following actions:
- Digital Twin Requisites settings and ICT framework design:
- Definition of Digital Twin Stakeholders Roles and Permits.
- Definition Infostructure Complexity: LoD and LoIs, controller servers, nodes’ and master’s system applications, scalability and security.
- Selection of Digital Twin Tools and services as a BEP extension.
- Extension of the Collaborative Environment based on CDE to fit DT requirements.
- Monitoring Strategy:
- Define and update the monitoring requirements along lifespan and desired crossing outputs based on Software in the Loop.
- Selection of the Time Series Data Base.
- Integration with the selected IoT Platform and sensors (e.g. BEMS).
- Recording Strategy:
- Defining Uploading and Recording Procedures.
- Automation frameworks to minimise and optimise the database and scripts writing processes.
- System Facts to make provisioning scripts and templates more adaptive for multiple systems.
- Integrity Strategy:
Quality check procedures and tools for auditing before recording.
- Data Analysis:
- Data Analysis strategy.
- Data Analysis feedback and update.
- Information Security management (ISO/IEC 27000).
- Digital Twin Configuration Management (ISO/IEC 12207) (See below).
- Digital Twin Simulation Management (See below).
Building Digital Twin Configuration Manager
As a broad and transversal concept, configuration management (CM) refers to the process of systematically handling changes to a system in a way that it maintains integrity over time, here defined as life cycle. Because the different data sources and formats, information storage and access require the interaction of several servers, and the Configuration Management evolves into an Orchestration process conducted by the figure of the Configuration Manager. It is required that the environment created under the DT concept be provided of a controller brain to synchronise the different functions, from the user queries to the internal data processes along time. As example, the architecture proposed in SPHERE platform is a PaaS which acts as a system of systems. It hence comprises a multilayer ecosystem able to communicate with external environments.
The BDTcM have to cover the following aspects, considered as an extension of the definition already provided by the ISO/IEC 12207-2017, which also includes the Interface management:
- Identification and Management of roles and permits through Configuration Items (Cis).
- Establishment of Configuration Baselines and Configuration status availability.
- Set Configuration Audits and their uptake.
- Templating System that can be used to facilitate setting up configuration files and services.
- Extensibility to share custom extensions from the different agents involved.
- Identify potential deviations in Updating Costs beyond automations that include time, experience and training.
- DT system or information releases and deliveries are controlled and approved.
Building Digital Twin Simulation Manager
DTsManager acts as the general coordinator for the definition of simulation-based services of any Digital Twin Environment (e.g. SPHERE PaaS capabilities and the main functions).
Among its main duties they are:
- Identify simulation strategy according to the received project and the actors involved across the lifespan of the asset, from design and construction to operation phases.
- Participate with the BDTManager and representative Stakeholders (Employer, BIM Manager, etc.) in the definition of the architecture of the DT Environment according to:
- Coordinate the definition of interfaces and inputs / outputs of the different applications with the simulation tools.
- Address with the rest of the involved stakeholders the current problems of incorporating the information in simulation tools and their updating throughout the asset lifespan, thus taking into account the different tools used from the design phase to the operational phase.
- Identify / enhance synergies derived from collaboration between different applications and promote collaboration between them.
- Setting simulation objectives based on the EIR:
- Define simulation scopes and levels of detail.
- Entity mapping / Consistency project-model / method of verification or transfer of properties.
- Choose the simulation tools/model.
- Define minimum Level of Information requirements and
- Define minimum accuracy of the simulation model.
- Simulation validation and verification.
- Set method to justify the achievement of required objectives.